On Heartache and Healing

With Valentine’s Day coming up next week, I’ve been thinking a lot about heartache and how physical a pain it can be. Whether it’s a breakup, parting ways with a friend, or the loss of a loved one, the energy of the heart is so powerful that when it’s broken, it truly feels like it and you are pieces.

I remember feeling this way over my last breakup, and it took awhile for me to learn how and gather enough strength and self-support to heal my own heart. But I realized I couldn’t wait any longer for someone else to come along and fix it.

One day when I was feeling particularly broken, I went all out with exploring self-care rituals and practices to help heal and soothe my heart. (Warning: this is going to get a little “woo” for some of you real quick.) :)

I started with a heart chakra meditation I found on YouTube, and placed crystals across my heart… Serpentine — a green crystal said to protect and unblock the heart — and Rose Quartz — known for its nurturing, unconditional love energy.

I took a bath with soothing, lavender Epsom salts.  

I massaged my chest with my hands, and even used my electric Clarisonic face brush(!) to open up the space there.

I rested that day, as much as I could, and tried to treat myself with kindness. 

For dinner, I cooked and ate delicious Brussels sprouts, as they’re known to help open the heart chakra, along with other cruciferous vegetables.

I had my usual chamomile tea before bed, and tried to get some sleep.

The next morning when I woke, I noticed the tea tag had come off and was lying in bed with me:

“Love, compassion, and kindness are the anchors of life,” it said.

A small, tender thing to soothe the heart, even for just a moment.
