If My Life Has No Light

If my life has no light...

If it is cold and dark...

If it is quiet and buried deep...

If it is unseen…

If it bears no fruit...

If it forgotten and small and overlooked...

If it is waiting for the right moment to spring...

Then all is well, my life is a seed.

If my life is a seed, it is ready to grow...

If my life is a seed, then it still has potential...

If my life is a seed, it will seek the light...

If my life is a seed, it will outlast the night...

I need not be worried.

I need not be hurried.

I can wait in this seeming stillness and know…

That soon, my life will grow. 

It will grow, it will grow, it will grow...

“The Sower III” by Vincent van Gogh (public domain)

“The Sower III” by Vincent van Gogh (public domain)